Tis the Season

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tis the season for…what exactly?

Tis the season to be jolly? To be giving? Or is it really, “tis the season to be buying?”

What is Christmas really about? What should it be about?

Of course, the answer to these questions depends on who you ask.

For some, the Nativity scenes are simply of historical significance. Christmas is whatever you choose it to be. Tis the season for [fill in the blanks].

Photo by Leon Oblak on Unsplash

For me, Christmas is about the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ and the new world order he came to establish: love above hatred, mercy rather than sacrifice, substance over form and good triumphant over evil.

The idea of God, far less God incarnate, is a fanciful load of bullocks to some.

But not to me.

Because I have seen, I have hear, I have felt and I have known.

And who I know is agape. Anima Christi. He stands patiently at the door of our hearts and knocks gently.

He is not ignorant. God meets us all where we are. He loves us as we are but He does not want us to stay there because we can be so much more.

He asks me to keep the boundaries that He has set for me, not out of fear of punishment, but out of love, knowing that these boundaries are there for my protection.

Whether or not my heart ramblings make sense to you, I hope that you will agree that we need more of the new world order that began with the birth of a baby in a manger: love above hatred, mercy rather than sacrifice, substance over form and good triumphant over evil.

Thus, to answer the question, tis the season for –

  • kindness
  • patience
  • humility
  • generosity
  • tolerance
  • mercy
  • peace
  • gentleness
  • self-control
  • goodness
  • hope

These, my friends, comprise love.

Above all, tis the season for love.

Merry Christmas my friends! Above all else, I wish you love.

Until the next post, go forth and be awesome.


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